dewritochan's link page that is just a dreamweaver 8 template because why the fuck not

this dumb bitch wanted a neocities page because the internet sucks and it's a good way to keep track of nifty shit i do

what the fuck do i even write here

hi if you're seeing this that probably means you've followed me from some end of the internet or another. this is a quirky website on the gosh damn interweb. pieces will be updated as i remember this exists.


2025-01-23 00:26 - added sidebar link to snes central
2025-01-21 21:48 - cleaned up a bit of superfluous bullshit and rearranged the left side
2025-01-11 20:59 - decided this was going to be the changelog section (this will make less sense if i change where that goes later)

no joke powered by macromedia dreamweaver 8 because i'm bored and it works fine for this one particular purpose

screenshot of macromedia flash 8 about screen

| ©2024 max rae